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- 6 days of Star Wars: a movie marathon
6 days of Star Wars: a movie marathon
I have never fully seen a Star Wars film in my entire life. I have seen clips from the movie, I kind of know the characters’ names, and have heard about some of the cinematic surprises of the film, but I have never really sat down and watched any of the films.
This week I decided to dive into the universe that George Lucas created, and watch one Star Wars film a night to see what everyone is raving about. Heck, if I can watch a marathon of Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings, I can totally watch Star Wars for a whole week! Here is my journey into becoming an Obi –Wan Kenobi! (I probably used this reference wrong, but it rhymes)
I tried to find the Star Wars films online for free, but I couldn’t find any website that would let me view them. Some of the websites that said that you could view them looked really sketch, so I didn’t even take a chance because I didn’t want to jack up my laptop.
This journey started off in a legit way when I actually paid for all six films in Digital HD through Apple’s ITunes for the price of $89.99. I remember whispering to myself as I clicked Purchase, “I better like these films!”
DAY ONE: Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope
I watched this first movie with my sister since she hadn’t watched any of the Star Wars films too. Right when I clicked play we were literally in space. We were both checking Snapchat and completely missed the introduction and I said, “Oh, we need to rewind. I think this part is important.” (And it was indeed). We put away our phones and really started watching the movie.
First of all, I am very glad that I bought this movie in HD. It looked so clear and new that it was hard to believe that it was released in 1977, until we saw what Aunt Beru was wearing:

Home girl was wearing a denim jacket that looked like it was what someone would wear in the 1970s era. We see everyone dressed up in other worldly costumes, and Aunt Beru is wearing a denim jacket!
Another thing that made my sister and I have to pause the movie because we couldn’t stop giggling was this guy:

If you don’t know his name, don’t worry I looked it up. This is Ponda Baba aka Sawkee, the alien that started the brawl in the bar with Obi-Wan Kenobi and Luke Skywalker. I mean, come on. L-O-L.
A character that caught us off guard was Han Solo. Let me just say, that a young Harrison Ford is HOT! Like, “caliente, ay ay ay hot!” I thought that it was a no brainer for Princess Leia! Obviously, she should go for Han Solo over Luke Skywalker! He’s charming, strong, fun, and confident! My sister and I were totally #teamhansolo!

This movie was AMAZING! It had action, a love triangle, different worlds, and aliens! I could see how this film had such a huge following. I loved, loved, LOVED this film, and couldn’t wait to watch the next one!
DAY TWO: Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
Okay, I know that it says “Day Two,” but I watched Episode V on the same day as VI. What?!?! I couldn’t help it! The first one was so good that I had to watch the next one! (I watched this one alone because my sister already went to bed.)
To be completely honest I hated Luke Skywalker in this film. I know that he was dealing with a lot and stuff, but he was being SO annoying. He was impatient, hot tempered, and just wouldn’t listen! If I were Yoda, I would have thrown that spaceship out from the swamp and into his face.
Another character that I was annoyed with was C3-PO! He just wouldn’t be quiet! If I had him on my back like Chewbacca did I would throw him off the ship. I prefer the Tin Man in The Wizard of Oz over this droid.

I loved all the parts of the movie with Han Solo, Chewbacca, and Princess Leia! The romance between Han and Leia just made me swoon, but he does get a point docked in my book. When a girl tells you that she loves you, you say it back! Don’t just respond, “I know.” Smh.

This is also the movie when we find out that Darth Vader is Luke’s father. I already knew this tidbit from when I was a child, but after watching Luke in this film I was not that surprised. He must have some evil in him since he was being so annoying and rude to Yoda. Maybe he did deserve to get his hand chopped off by his dad! There, I said it!

Overall, I wasn’t too fond of this movie compared to the first one. I felt that it was just too back-and-forth with the scenes of Luke training to be a Jedi and everything going on in space with Darth Vader and Rebel Alliance.
DAY THREE: Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
BRAVO! This is by far, the best movie out of the original Star Wars films. This movie had it all: action, shocking revelations, and heartwarming moments. Episode VI was a great way to finish up this trilogy!
Let me just say that Jabba the Hutt made me want to vomit. I’ve seen this character before, but by watching this movie I really got to know him. He is DISGUSTING! The way he has women chained by their necks, feeds them to beasts, and sticks out his tongue was so gross.

Okay, so I already heard through the grape vine that Princess Leia and Luke Skywalker were brother and sister (twins to be exact). What I didn’t realize was that these two actually full on kiss throughout these movies. I can only imagine what audiences who originally saw this were thinking when this was revealed. Way to throw an incestuous curveball George Lucas!

I don’t hate Luke in this film like I did in the second film. He has become more mature in this movie, and less reckless and whiney. Maybe it was the haircut and black attire that made him more chill.
A character that still got on my nerves was C3-PO! When the Ewoks captured the group and they thought that C3-PO was a god, he still didn’t use that advantage to save his friends. He still let the Ewoks tie the group up, and almost set them on fire. At least Princess Leia was like, “these are my friends!”
Even though Darth Vader turned a new leaf at the end, he is still one of the best villains in cinematic history! Not only did he look badass in that black costume, he didn’t let anyone cross him. He was the real BOSS throughout these films.

Loved, loved, LOVED this movie! It was a great way to wrap up the original film series. The storyline was very clear, the action was on point, and the characters were very memorable. There was never a dull moment!

DAY FOUR: Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace
This movie was “ehh.” Don’t get me wrong, the CGI was fantastic, but I wasn’t feeling the plot line of this film. It basically was about signing a treaty. The title should have been Star Wars Episode I: The BORING Menace.
The one thing that was so surreal was seeing Anakin Skywalker. All I kept thinking was that this adorable kid is going to be Darth Vader. It was kind of sad to know that he was going to be brought to the dark side.

I loved Qui-Gon Jinn (Liam Neeson) and Obi-Wan Kenobi (Ewan McGregor), but the Jedis that I was really digging were Yoda and Windu (Samuel L. Jackson).
I thought this film wasn’t that great compared to the originals. The visuals were gorgeous, but there was a lack in storyline and character development.
DAY FIVE: Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones
I really enjoyed this movie. Not as great as Episode IV or VI, but much better than Episode I.
Anakin Skywalker really starts becoming cray cray in this movie. I could see the dark side looming over this teen. He is very reckless, impulsive, and really lets his emotions get the best of him. When his mother died and he just started slaying the sand people (even the women and children) I was like, “Oh boy! His future doesn’t look bright.” I also saw a lot of attributes in him similar to Luke.
Senator Padme was a very great balance to Anakin. I really loved how she is very responsible, rational, and strong. I could see how Princess Leia and her are so similar with their feistiness and how they take action. Like mother, like daughter.

The best scene in this movie was the execution scene. When Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Padme were battling those beasts it was pretty awesome. When the other Jedis came to rescue them, the scene became EPIC! It was so good!
Yoda was also BOMB.com! When he was fighting against Count Dooku I was just in awe. Yoda puts the “Master” in Jedi. His agility and lightsaber skills really show how powerful he is as a Jedi. I literally re-watched this fight scene because it was so entertaining. #YODAROXMYSOX

This was a great film to watch. It had a much more solid storyline compared to Episode I, and I can tell that it is setting the stage for the next film. The ending was kind of left in the air, but I can’t wait to see what happens in Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith.
DAY SIX: Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
This was one of the most intense movies I have ever watched. I swear I was about to get a heart attack with all the action, deception, confusion, sadness, and dark forces surrounding this film! I was always on the edge of my seat.
So let me talk about the deformities made in this movie. It now makes sense why Darth Sidious aka Palpatine looks like a saggity, gross-looking monster. Samuel L. Jackson aka Windu (R.I.P.) really put up a good fight, and I’m glad he deformed that evil thing. We also see how Darth Vader looks the way that he does in the first three installments of Star Wars. Obi-Wan really let him have it when he chopped off his legs with his lightsaber. I kind of felt bad when Anakin caught on fire, as well. That is a really sucky way to get deformed.

I felt so sad for everyone (except Palpatine) in this movie, but the three people that I felt the saddest for were Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Padme. Just seeing Anakin going to the dark side was hard to swallow. I knew that he was going to end up on the dark side, but a part of me was still hopeful that he wouldn’t. Obi-Wan loses his padawan who he has trained since he was a little boy. He had so much faith in Anakin, and for him to see that he turned to the dark side was very disheartening to watch. Then we have Padme who is secretly married to this man who is losing his senses, pregnant with his baby (or should I say babies. hehehe), and appears to be an unwed mother to the public.

This movie had such an emotional toll on me. Knowing Anakin Skywalker, and seeing him turn evil was just very depressing. Watching Episodes I, II, and III we see this young boy with so much potential to becoming the “chosen one,” and to have his mind be twisted by the dark side was like a lightsaber being struck into my heart. Even though the dark side won, I have to say that this one is my favorite out of the prequels.
I did it! I finally completed watching all of the Star Wars films. I now know the lingo, characters, and can now get the Star Wars humor that everyone talks about (What do Gungans put things in? Jar Jars). This movie marathon has been a very long, tedious, and exciting adventure that I am glad I took. I am now ready to watch Star Wars: The Force Awakens, which is out in theaters TODAY. So, for all of you who haven’t seen all of the Star Wars films, and want to do what I did may the Force be with you!

All reviews are personal opinions and may not reflect the attitudes of other writers for DisneyExaminer.com unless stated otherwise.
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