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- 7 Games to Play While Waiting in Line at Disneyland
7 Games to Play While Waiting in Line at Disneyland
Waiting in line at Disneyland is the only thing that can put a damper on your fun-filled day at the park. Don’t worry, friends! I got your back when it comes to relieving your boredom through those hour-long wait times. Some rides’ wait times go by a lot faster than the more popular attractions. As much as I am a fan of apps such as Heads Up! and Words With Friends, cell phone data is quickly taken and I need enough bars to take a million selfies in front of Sleeping Beauty’s castle later. You understand, right? This is why I have created these 7 games for my 7 favorite rides at Disneyland. I have decided to let you all in on my secret life of waiting-in-line awesomeness!
1. It’s a Small World — Around The World A to Z

It’s A Small World is a traditional classic Disneyland ride featuring your own personal heritage, but also embracing different cultures around the world. To test your worldly knowledge, grab your friends in line and list as many countries as you can think of from A to Z.
How To Play: First player says out loud a country that begins with the letter A. The second player says a country that begins with the letter B. The third player says a country that begins with the letter C and the game continues along with the rest of the alphabet. According to the World Atlas, there are over 189 countries in the world! This game can last a long time if you paid close attention in geography class. See who gets stumped first.
2. The Haunted Mansion — Sing Your Way Out of Fear

The one thing that absolutely terrifies me is the creepy music in horror movies. I reminisce that eerie kind of music while waiting in line for the Haunted Mansion ride. In order to steer my mind clear of scary thoughts, I decide to sing songs that make me happy instead. This is where calming songs took a turn into becoming my favorite game to play while waiting in line.
How To Play: Think of any Disney song. Sing one line of the song to your friend waiting in line with you. Your friend then has to continue with singing the next line in that song. If your friend gets it right, he/she gets 1 point and you must choose another song to try to stump him/her with. If he/she gets it wrong, it is your 1 point and your friend then has to think of the next song. First player to earn 10 points wins!
Example: Player 1 sings “I can open your eyes, take you wonder by wonder.” Player 2 then should reply with, “Over, sideways and under on a magic carpet ride.”
3. Indiana Jones Adventure — Decoder Card
“Snakes! Why did it have to be snakes?” Indiana Jones Adventure is my all time favorite ride at Disneyland! One of the reasons why is because of the ride’s stimulating ceilings, floors, and dark halls you explore while waiting in line. One of the main things you might notice is the hieroglyphics on the walls. As a sponsor, AT&T created decoder cards to read the hieroglyphics. When the ride first opened, cast members would provide guests with decoder cards as they entered the line. These cards can still be used today.

4. Star Tours — 2 Galactic Truths 1 Rebellious Lie

If you are like me, Star Wars trivia knowledge is key in determining who fits your nerd standards. This game is great for 2 players.
How To Play: Player #1 lists 2 true facts about Star Wars and 1 Lie. Player #2 has to guess the lie. If Player #2 answers correctly, he/she earns 1 point. If Player #2 does not answer correctly, Player #1 earns 1 point. Whoever can get to 10 points first wins!
Example: True or False?
1. Obi Wan Kenobi has the same lightsaber in all three prequel films. (False)
2. T.I.E. in TIE Fighter stands for Twin Ion Engine. (True)
3. Princess Leia is the first to yell “It’s A Trap!” (True)
Trust me when I say, you will get some fellow fans who are waiting in line trying to chime in. If you think you can baffle your best Star Wars friend, may the Force be with you! If you have trouble thinking of some facts, look around. Star Tours is full of droids, galaxies, and star ships to assist your inquiry.
5. Peter Pan’s Flight — BINGO

Plan ahead and print out these Peter Pan BINGO cards, provided by DisneyExaminer. This game is best played with 4 players.
Need to Print: 3 Peter Pan BINGO Sheets (each is made differently), 1 Character List, and 1 BINGO Letter Cut Sheet. Click HERE for print-out sheets.
Before attending the park, take the Cut Sheet and cut along dotted line to create small B-I-N-G-O letters and place them in a small plastic baggy along with 3 markers.
While in line, hand each of the 3 players a Peter Pan BINGO Sheet and a marker. The forth player is the “Caller” who shouts out the letters and characters he/she draws. The “Caller” should have the Character List and baggy in hand.
How to Play: Every player should NOT look at other player’s sheets, especially the “Caller.” The “Caller” takes the baggy full of letters and draws one. He/She then randomly picks a character from the Character List.
Example: Letter is “G”. Character is Wendy. The 3 players with the Peter Pan BINGO Sheets then scroll down the column listed “G” and use their marker to circle any Wendy character shown within that specified column. The “Caller” then continues to repeat these steps until one of the players gets 5 circled characters in a row either vertically, horizontally, or diagonally.
Print multiple sheets if you want to play more than once. Since this game does require your group to look down in line, make sure you pay close attention to the people moving in front of you.

6. Alice In Wonderland — Drink Me or Eat Me

You wouldn’t want to lose your mind along with the Mad Hatter and Cheshire Cat waiting in line for Alice in Wonderland. This simple game of categories can be played with 2 or more players.
How To Play: One person chooses between the 2 categories of either “Drink Me” or “Eat Me”. Once one category is decided, another person goes on to choose a second category of a particular drink or food. The list continues until someone cannot guess any more options. For more of a challenge, play with a bigger group. After each round, eliminate the one person who gets stumped. Continue until there is one final champion!
Example: Category is “Drink Me”. Second category is Soda. First person: Coca Cola. Second Person: Dr. Pepper. Third Person: Sprite. Forth Person: Mountain Dew.
7. Toy Story Midway Mania! — Friend In Me Scramble

How well do you know your best friends? And when I say best friends, I mean Woody, Buzz, and Jessie. Unscramble the letters to discover your favorite Toy Story characters. Print out this sheet before you hit the park or you can always just look here. Try not to look until completed. Click HERE for answer key.

Hope you have a blast in line! I know I am.
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