Add Us, G.

We love social media. It’s the engine that powers DisneyExaminer. From reporting the news to interacting with all of you fellow Disney fans, our hope in using social media is to be able to share all this Disney with all of you.

There are so many social media networks out there and since we know that a majority of you use a variety of them, we wanted to add to our already large list of social media networks to better serve you with the addition of our latest network Google+.

Be sure to add us! If you do, we promise you’ve just added another way to experience the Disney magic. You’ll get updated on our latest stories and contests and perhaps even discover little surprises along the way that we only share over our social media networks!

So what are you waiting for? +DisneyExaminer today!

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For your reference, here are our other social media networks that you should follow us on too:


or to participate.