American Air(Planes).

Although Disney’s second summer film has yet to be released, promotion and publicity is already beginning for their third release this summer and it’s going “sky high” to let people know that its on the way.

American Airlines, the real airliner that transports guests around the world, has partnered with Disney to promote Disney’s “Planes” on its real planes. Guests who fly American beginning on August 9 will have the opportunity to view an inflight version of this new Disney animated film (which will exclusively be on American Airlines one month before the other airlines get a hold of it). Guests flying American right now also have the opportunity to view an exclusive trailer of the film featuring a certain airliner that may look familiar to those watching that trailer onboard…

Also known as Tripp, American Airlines has also made it in the “Planes” film with a character in the film that’s modeled after their new Boeing planes. It’s certainly fitting to have real-life inspired planes in the film and in any case, it highlights the fact that we’re once again going to be dealing with inanimate objects telling very animate and heartfelt stories.

UPDATE 7/10 – As part of the countdown to the film’s release, Disney Studios will be releasing small animated shorts that will feature the main characters of the film. The shorts will release every “Takeoff Tuesday” for the next few weeks. View the first one here.

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What do you think of this strategic partnership Disney has developed with American Airlines? Do you think it’s smart marketing? Would the promotion move you to choose American over any other airline? Give us your thoughts in the comments!


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