Astronomical Anniversary

Take a look at the top photo above. Look familiar? Why yes, it should. It happens to be one of DisneyExaminer’s all-time favorite attractions at Disneyland and probably yours as well!

Today marks the 35th anniversary of Space Mountain in Tomorrowland in Disneyland Park. The photo was taken in 1976 as outer space was being enclosed in a building on earth by those awesome Walt Disney Imagineers. The attraction opened shortly after that shot was taken on this day in 1977.

We salute Space Mountain on her 35 years of terrifying guests and seasoned astronauts alike. Take a look at how some of the DisneyExaminer Staff feels after such an intergalactic adventure with some of our ride photos that follow from a special Annual Passholder-ONLY event earlier last year.

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We also wanted to take some time to salute our brave men and women overseas, as well as here at home, who continue to serve and protect us daily. You all are a blessing and we thank God for your lives. We’ll have a “full” salute tomorrow, but we wanted to recognize you all today and say thanks.


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