Become a DisneyExaminer Patron.

For nearly 10 years, we’ve been able to tell some fantastic stories and meet some great people like all of you, our fellow DisneyExaminers, along the way. Together with you, our staff has continued to create some great content thanks to a collective work effort that even to this day has been a work of love (just like Disneyland).

But just like Disneyland, the world just doesn’t run on love. It requires the resources to keep it going. DisneyExaminer works in the same way and would love to ask for your patronage.

In addition to our recently launched new Store, we also have launched our first crowdfunding campaign with the good people at Patreon!

Similar to other crowdfunding campaigns like Kickstarter, Patreon campaigns reward those who donate with unique items and experiences. But unlike other campaigns, your monthly patronage through Patreon will directly affect you in magical way.

If you’ve loved DisneyExaminer and the things that we do to tell a different Disney story, then you’ll be glad to know that any contributions you make to us will allow us to create even more content at a higher quality. The proceeds will go directly to obtaining better supplies for our iTunes-featured Podcast, YouTube videos, and much more.

We’re very fortunate to have a great following and thanks to you, we’re eager to grow the following even more by creating even more DisneyExaminer content for all of you!

Please visit our Patreon campaign page for more detailed information on how you can become a DisneyExaminer Patron, as well as some of the great perks you can get for doing so.


or to participate.