
They are something that most of us have all seen. A spectacle of color created through the exploding of POW-der in the sky. It doesn’t sound all to beautiful, but when that process does happen its something to behold.

Fireworks have come a long way since its roots and have quickly become an American institution especially during the 4th of July (which is today)! Although they can only be seen during special times during the year, you’d be happy to know that at Disney Parks around the world pyrotechnics play a major part in creating magic for guests. “Firework spectaculars” as they call it are a way of sending off guests as their magical day at the Parks come to a close. To be called spectacular, Disney certainly has to have some spectacular people working behind-the-scenes to create these kisses…and they certainly do.

Meet Steven Davison in the video. As Vice President of Parades and Spectaculars, he has helped create many spectaculars for Disney Parks including most recently Disney California Adventure’s World of Color and is also responsible for helping put together the fireworks for this year’s 4th of July celebrations.

Putting together a perfect combination of fireworks, lights, and music takes skill, folks. But when it comes down to it, he has a great job, doesn’t he?

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What are some of your favorite parades and spectaculars that you’ve enjoyed at Disney Parks? What is one that you still have yet to see? Let us know in the comments!


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