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- College guys have a debate on their favorite Disney princesses!
College guys have a debate on their favorite Disney princesses!
We brought you Disney’s most eligible bachelors and here come the bachelorettes! These animated beauties made all of us go wild as a kid, and were the girls of our dreams. They were the leading ladies that not only had the looks, but also the personalities that really made us fall in love with them.
My roommates and I came together and had a great discussion about some of our favorite Disney female characters. Originally I was going to write this article alone, but my roommates couldn’t help but add in their own opinions about these animated women.
Here’s the conversation/debate on our “Top 8 Disney Bachelorettes.” Please enjoy our argument over fictional female characters.
8) Ariel

Image from http://dfilms.tumblr.com/post/5396102847
Lane: Ariel was my first crush as a child! She deserves to be high on the list.
Tyler: She may be pretty, but she makes very poor life decisions. I would love to be a mermaid. Your dad is the king of the ocean, and you have life completely made under the sea. She gives everything up for a guy!
Max: She wants to be where the people are. haha.
Lane: If I could be anything, I would be a merman and live with all those beautiful mermaids.

Image from http://disney.wikia.com/wiki/File:The-Little-Mermaid-Diamond-Edition-Blu-Ray-disney-princess-35378597-5000-2833.jpg
Tyler: She literally signed away her soul for a guy she didn’t even meet yet! Doesn’t anybody else feel like this is a major character flaw?
Chris: But that’s like devotion! She’s all about that adventure life and living in the present.
Lane: I like redheads, and she’s a mermaid! Double win!
Chris: Redhead is a plus in my opinion.
Tyler: She’s a little crazy. What if a girl you didn’t know came up to you and said, “Hey I sold my soul for you!”
Chris: Still got the man without even talking. She must have been really cute.

Image from http://myamericangirl.blogspot.com/2011/05/never-grow-ups-disney-blog-party.html
Tyler: I mean, would you anger your father when he’s the king of the sea? He was just being rational.
Chris: He was holding her back from the life she really wanted to live!
Max: She’s very sociable. She has all those friends under the sea!
Tyler: She should have stayed under the sea.
Lane: She’s willing to sacrifice for true love.
Tyler: Lets not confuse sacrifice with obsession.
Max: Sorry Lane, Tyler brings up too many good points. She’ll be number 8 on our list.
7) Elsa

Image from https://www.tumblr.com/search/elsa%20transformation
Max: I don’t think she deserved to be very high on the list. She’s so antisocial and mean compared to other women in the Disney universe.
Lane: She’s afraid of her powers and can’t control them! That doesn’t make her mean. It makes her misunderstood.

Image from http://www.myk104.com/dede/lady-jades-nieces-and-nephews-wouldnt-stop-singing-frozens-let-it-go-listen-now/
Chris: She also has a great singing voice!
Max: I think all the Disney girls have a great singing voice. hahaha.
Chris: She’s so hot right now at the Disneyland theme parks.
Max: There’s almost too much of her around for me.
Tyler: She’s very independent… I dig that.
Max: She also almost killed her sister MULTIPLE times.
Tyler: She did try to kill my bae (Anna).

Image from http://frozen.disney.com/elsa
Lane: She left to save everybody’s lives from her powers! She can now control them, which makes her a beauty with amazing powers! Who wouldn’t be into that?
Max: She could use her powers to freeze you to death as well.
Tyler: That would be a little scary.
Lane: She’s going on the list! I’m all about the Elsa life. Just look at that hair flip!
Chris: I still haven’t seen Frozen…
6) Pocahontas

Image from http://s1188.photobucket.com/user/majere616/media/GIFs/tumblr_lhwuj7e1Mj1qf4bql.gif.html
Max: She shows John Smith the power and beauty of nature. I am the same way. I never miss a good camping trip to stay out in the wilderness.
Lane: She gets swept away by a random guy just because he looked different, and was from a different culture.
Tyler: Wouldn’t you be interested in someone who can show you something different from your day-to-day life?

Image from http://nerdjoyblog.blogspot.com/2015/07/review-pocahontas-beauty-book.html
Lane: She needs to have more of a backbone than that.
Max: She says no to Kocoum, and has the ability to talk to animals/trees. That is awesome!
Tyler: That is up there on my superpowers list. haha. Imagine all the possibilities.
Chris: Hey, but she is my favorite in “Mickey’s Magical Map” show!
Max: I love that show! She can also see all the colors of the wind. Another superpower?
Lane: I can dig that.
Max: She saves her whole tribe from being gunned down by teaching her new visitors about her incredible culture.
Chris: She’s hot, saves lives, has superpowers, and is smart! Definitely going on the list!
5) Cinderella

Image from http://gifrific.com/turning-into-cinderella/
Tyler: She is a hard worker and had to deal with her evil family until she found love.
Lane: She relies too much on her man, and sneaks around behind people’s backs to go to the ball.
Chris: But she had to do that to get out of her awful home life!
Max: She went through a lot of pain and suffering to get to where she is today. She deserves everything that she got in the end.

Image from http://zannaland.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/cinderellabubble.png
Tyler: Why did she have to go for the prince? Couldn’t she just dance with regular guy, and run away with him? She must care a lot about status.
Lane: Her villain was literally her step mother. I feel like she didn’t have to overcome that much compared to other Disney girls who had to deal with dragons, witches, and evil sea eels.
Max: Haha. That is true! The villain was not a crazy challenge.
Chris: I do like her sense of style, or was it her fairy godmother’s sense of style?
Max: She just wanted to get noticed after all of the years being in her step sisters’ shadows. It’s not her fault that she got noticed by the prince! All she wanted was happiness, and she found it against all odds. She definitely deserves to be on the list.
4) Mulan

Image from http://www.bustle.com/articles/73140-disneys-live-action-mulan-is-important-because-she-emphasized-the-word-girl-in-the-phrase-action-girl
Max: I like Mulan. She is a super strong character who will do anything to protect her family.
Chris: I also like her sense of family and honor.
Lane: She can pull off being a boy, and not get noticed for months… not that hot.

Image from http://www.slashfilm.com/mulan-live-action-remake-in-the-works-at-disney/
Chris: I do like Asian women. She’s a rebel that doesn’t fit into the typical mold of a Chinese woman during that time.
Lane: She’s not very graceful.
Max: She also lied to everyone in the movie, which would not be a positive thing in a relationship.
Chris: She lied to protect her father, and she put herself in danger to save her friends from the Huns! She also saved the emperor AND China.

Image from http://www.fanpop.com
Tyler: She gets down to business.
Max: To defeat the Huns.
Chris: She can also can hangout with the boys, which could be a plus.
Lane: No, I want to be the man in the relationship. I want to have my own time with the guys. Away from the ball and chain.
Max: Are you just mad that she could beat you up Lane?
Lane: She could destroy you too!
Max: Like I said I like strong women. haha.
3) Rapunzel

Image from http://kiltsandswords.com/tag/tangled-movie/
Max: She is so innocent, and just wants some adventure! Everything is a new wonder through her eyes.
Lane: She’s gorgeous!

Image from https://kalindamage.wordpress.com/2014/06/27/top-thirteen-female-characters-9-rapunzel-tangled/
Chris: She does have beautiful hair.
Max: She does cut off those luscious locks for love in the end.
Tyler: She can be a bit too gullible, but she’s still adorable.
Max: Very likable, which is a great quality. Even the roughest of thugs want to sing and dance with her!
Tyler: She doesn’t care about status either! She doesn’t go after a prince, but falls for a thief. She’s a real girl who’s more relatable than most female Disney characters.
Chris: She is also very handy. She had so much time in the tower that she developed many crazy talents! She makes her own clothes, does arts and crafts, and reads pretty much every book on the planet.

Image from http://lovetaylor.com/?attachment_id=1107
Tyler: Don’t forget that she’s handy with a frying pan. Knocked Flynn Rider out with one swing and tied him up with her hair!
Lane: I can’t find many negatives besides her hair. It would get super annoying being that crazy long.
Max: She is an incredible girl who has powers in her hair to keep people young! She didn’t even get depressed being stuck in that tower by herself, but made the most of her time.
*We couldn’t make a unanimous decision for the #1 spot on our list! So tying in for first place goes to Anna and Belle! Here is what we thought about these two lovely ladies.
2) Anna

Image from http://rebloggy.com/post/disney-dancing-dance-disney-gif-disney-gifs-ana-oh-sisters-anna-frozen-oh-siste/81900068956

Image from http://fr.onceuponatime.wikia.com/wiki/Blog_utilisateur:Rwo/Frozen_Is_Coming
Chris: I still haven’t seen Frozen, but she is good looking!
Tyler: Okay, let me tell you why Anna is the #1 Disney girl in my heart. She sacrificed her life for her sister and is a strong, independent woman who doesn’t need a man!
Max: Agreed! I am a fan of Anna. She’s similar to Rapunzel in that she has a great sense of adventure, and stayed positive through all her time in that lonely castle.
Tyler: She never lost faith in her sister when the whole town turned against her.
Lane: She fell in love with the first guy she ever laid eyes on, and almost got tricked, which could have resulted in her death.
Tyler: Yeah, but he was charming, and she wasn’t used to being around people! She was just looking for love. She also took him down with a swift punch to the face after saving her sister!
Tyler: She is very understanding even though her sister almost killed her multiple times.

Image from http://pix-hd.com/frozen+heart+anna
Max: She’s very fun and quirky. It would always be a fun date with her. She has more personality than most of the other princesses
Tyler: She also didn’t need to marry a prince. She didn’t need a status because all she wanted was love, which she found when she went on a crazy adventure.
1) Belle

Image from http://theodysseyonline.com/john-hopkins/twilight-on-summer/130272
Chris: Okay, okay, okay. Anna’s cool, but Belle is the way to go! One, she can spot a bad guy right away. When Gaston was trying to get at her from the get-go she knew that he was not the right guy for her. Two, her mind is sharp. She is very intelligent and loves to read. She not only has the looks, but also the brains!
Lane: Three, she was willing to sacrifice herself for her father by staying with the Beast. She had no idea what the Beast had in store for her when she decided to stay with him.

Image from http://themonochromes.com/2015/04/24/why-belle-is-the-best-disney-princess/
Tyler: I think she’s a little snobby sometimes. She knew she was the smartest and prettiest girl in town. Everybody thought that she was peculiar. Why?
Max: Yeah I agree! She seemed kind of full of herself, like she was too good for her town.
Chris: She was misunderstood in her town, and wanted to go out to seek adventure…Aren’t you the one that is all about the adventurous girl?!
Max: This is true, but I still concur with Tyler as Anna being #1 though.

Image from http://www.moonlightmotelcomic.com/2012_11_01_archive.html
Chris: She doesn’t care what other people think about her, and is willing to look past the Beast’s looks! She loved him even after he was being super mean to her in the beginning. She saw his heartache through it all.
Lane: She also saved lives! How many Disney women can say that? All those house utensils were revived back into humans because of her love.
Chris: Lastly, she is well known as being the most beautiful girl in the land. Her in that yellow dress bro. Game Over.
Do you agree with our list, or do you have your own rebuttals? Who do you think should have number one? Feel free to comment and share our heated debate over the most eligible Disney bachelorettes!