Coversations with Constantine.

A little over a week ago, I had the pleasure of sitting down with one of the newest stars of “Muppets Most Wanted” to figure him out. Yes, he needs figuring out because he is quite different from the other cast members even though he looks exactly like a certain frog and current cast member.

Constantine certainly has a diabolical role in the newest Muppets flick and that mainly has to do with just who he is: the most dangerous frog in the world. He told me he liked the “punching and kicking and the plotting” that such a role calls for on-screen. Off-screen, though, I began to learn more about him as Hollywood’s newest movie star.

“I love it. Is wonderful. I’m a little concerned that maybe authorities will now really know what I look like, but I love this movie,” he told me in his heavy Russian accent (although he cannot speak any Russian words)…which lead me to my next question about his origins. “I was born amongst my other tadpoles in Pondsylvania near Russia. Many of them didn’t survive the cold, making me number one. I’m always number one.” And he certainly was amongst his fellow criminals when living in the Gulag (Russia’s “state-funded hotel”) in the film when the hard times came.

He isn’t looking back on those days now, though, that he’s made it big in show business. “I may not go back,” he told me. “I’m Muppet and let’s keep it that way if anyone asks.” Although his close appearance to Kermit might not keep his innocence too long, he’ll certainly be basking in the fame that will come to him when the movie releases tomorrow. “It’s not if this movie will take off, it’s when, Jordan! It, like me, will be number one. Yeeeeaaaaassss.”

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Are you excited to meet Constantine in the new Muppet film? Would you be scared or excited to meet him like I did? What questions would you ask him? What questions wouldn’t you ask him? Tell us in the comments below!


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