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  • Disney Animation HQ in Burbank undergoing renovations to make it look more like Pixar HQ

Disney Animation HQ in Burbank undergoing renovations to make it look more like Pixar HQ

The Los Angeles Times released a story this weekend about the changes coming to Disney’s animation powerhouse, namely the building the houses the minds of the revitalized Walt Disney Animation Studios.

The iconic building topped off with Mickey Mouse’s Sorcerer Cap on the Walt Disney Studios lot in Burbank, California is in the process of receiving a renovation that will make the campus look a lot like Pixar Animation Studios’ campus in Emeryville, California designed by the late Steve Jobs.

The reason? To create a place that would encourage creativity and collaboration even more.

“Steve believed in the unplanned meeting, where you run into somebody in the halls, and Pixar was designed with that in mind,” Lasseter said. “[Disney’s] animation building was 100% the opposite of that. It was really not conducive to creativity at all.”

Once completed, the updated building will create these spaces, as well as make the Sorcerer’s Cap the new main entrance to the building reminding those who enter of the endless creativity that goes on in there.

No completion date was announced and all of Disney Animation’s staff will be housed in a different location temporarily as they push forward with working on their two next films due out in 2016.

Read the full article here.


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