POTC 5: Dead Men Tell No Tales

It’s official. Disney is beginning production on the 5th “Pirates of the Caribbean” film! The second film in the second “trilogy” of Pirates films will bring back Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow as well as Terry Rossio and Ted Elliot (who are recovering from “The Lone Ranger” loneliness) who will return as screenwriters.

With production and casting beginning for the other roles and characters, Disney has already taken the bold move of already announcing the title of the film. “Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man Tell No Tales” is certainly one of the longer titles of the Pirates film franchise, but it’s certainly great to see an ode to the Disney Parks attraction that gave the franchise its fame in the first place.

As it is early in the film’s production, there is a chance that this is only a “working title” of the film, meaning that it may just be a temporary title of the film which could probably change later as production ramps up. In any case, here’s hoping that they also include more of the attraction scenes in the movie itself!

In addition to the title announcement, we have also received word that The Walt Disney Studios has decided to push back the release date of the film back one year to 2016. Our sources aren’t saying why, but they are saying that we can probably expect a mid-summer release in 2016.

We’ll continue to follow any new developments concerning POTC 5 and will be sure any news with you with an update to this post if and when they occur.

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Are you excited for the next Pirates film? Do you think 2 more films of Jack Sparrow are overdoing it? Do you like the new story and characters or do you miss Orlando Bloom and Keira Knightley? Let us know in the comments.


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