Recycled Magic.

It’s easy to imagine that places like theme parks get a lot of waste each year. Whether that be food scraps or used park maps thrown away, it can really all add up everyday! Specifically for a Disney Park, that waste is viewed of as much more than just trash waiting to be thrown out in a landfill. It’s viewed of as new materials that be reused for new magic in operations around their theme parks.

At the Disneyland Resort, you can safely say that the waste there has a second life because of the Environmental Integration department. This unique department’s sole job is to be able to think of ways of how the Resort could be more “green” in its operations. That includes what to do with all the waste the Resort takes in from its guests. Sound like a tough job? It is, but there are passionate people like cast member Helen Jaco who take pride in the challenge.

Jaco is an environmental integration representative who helps in the efforts. As she’ll describe in the video above, the things that the Resort does with used Disney gift cards and even the lint from the laundromats are all reused in ways that help the Resort sustain itself and its day-to-day operations. You can turn something into something else, that’s magic in our book!

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Would you want a job as Helen Jaco’s at the Disneyland Resort? Are you happy that the Disneyland Resort going “green” is a good thing? What are you doing to keep the magic going during Earth Month? Let us know in the comments!


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