Fantasy Faire Free-view.

As most of you already know, a lot of us on the DisneyExaminer Staff are filipino, but no, we didn’t intentionally spell the word in the title of this piece in how we filipinos pronounce it in real life.

Last Thursday, we had the opportunity to take part in a free preview of Disneyland’s newest experience called Fantasy Faire – a village that extends the fantasy of Fantasyland – literally!

It does so by providing a permanent place where guests can meet and greet with their favorite Disney princesses (from ALL their favorite Disney faire tales), creating your favorite “twists” on pastries and drinks, and story-telling your favorite Disney fairy tales in ways you’ve never heard them before.

Walt Disney always wanted to expand Fantasyland and more than 50 years later, Walt’s dream has again become our reality in the form of this quaint village of dreams come true.

Adults will become kids again. Kids will stay kids. And the heart of Disneyland and the whole Walt Disney Company can be proud to say again that fantasy beats reality any day.

If you didn’t get our feelings of this place through what you just read above, then we’ll flat out tell you that this place is wonderful. It really is an addition to the Park that is not only purposeful, but blends into the DNA of Disneyland so well.

If you really want to know why we love Fantasy Faire, then be sure to see it for yourself beginning tomorrowMarch 12.

If you can’t wait that long, then head on over to our Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook feeds for an extensive and fun photo tour of our advance visit.

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What are you most excited about in Fantasy Faire? What are you scared about? Being a kid again? That this place is only for kids? Is it not your “cup of fantasy”? Let us know in the comments.


or to participate.