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  • Disneyland is saving trees to use for “Star Wars” land

Disneyland is saving trees to use for “Star Wars” land

The OC Register wrote an article announcing how Disneyland will be saving trees in the surrounding area to use for “Star Wars” land.

The trees that will be used are new, old, and some will be from Frontierland! Two historical trees in the Disneyland theme park in particular were talked about in the article. The first historical tree being saved is located in Tom Sawyer’s Island, and has been there since 1955. The 45-foot holly oak tree was planted by Bill Evans, who Walt Disney hired to landscape the theme park. The other significant tree being saved is from Frontierland called the “Dreaming Tree,” which was donated to the theme park in 2005. Disneyland urban forester, Rhonda Wood stated that the tree was a  gift from the Walt Disney Hometown Museum, and was a sapling from the original “Dreaming Tree.”

The original “Dreaming Tree” was given that name as, according to interviews with Walt Disney, he and his sister Ruth would play underneath the tree when he was a child, and he would spend time under the tree daydreaming…Disney said that whenever he visited his old hometown, he would always make time to sit underneath that tree to reflect on his accomplishments and seek inspiration for his theme park and other ventures.

Trees that are being cut down for the construction of the land will also be used as logs for planters. So far, 18 trees have been saved and are being cared for and held backstage until they are able to be planted in “Star Wars” land. About 1,000 trees will be used for “Star Wars” land.

That new land will look like a fictional planet from the “Star Wars” universe, but will not be a desert setting like that of Tatooine, according to artist renderings. Instead, it will have an abundance of plant life, including some fully grown trees as Disney Imagineers want it to appear as if the planet has been there a while.

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