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  • Disney’s entertainment industry power is shown with the debut of Movies Anywhere service

Disney’s entertainment industry power is shown with the debut of Movies Anywhere service

Let’s be clear – The Walt Disney Company is a leader in the entertainment industry and has tremendous influence. Whether that’s rebooting a tremendously popular film franchise for a new generation or pulling its movies out of a streaming service and starting its own, Disney has power to make change happen.

That change is manifesting itself again with the “new birth” of an existing service they have called “Disney Movies Anywhere.” It was basically Disney’s version of a digital movie locker, allowing purchasers of Disney’s Blu-ray movies access to digital HD version for free online and accessible via computer or personal device.

It was described as “revolutionary” by those in the industry as gaining access to movies after their theatrical release is coveted space since it’s another revenue stream for the studios. With Disney challenging the model of charging people multiple times for the same movie in different formats in their Disney Movies Anywhere system, other studios had to follow suit (e.g. UltraViolet).

Today, Disney made another “power play” on the industry by creating “Movies Anywhere.” And the reason why they removed their name from the service is because now you can get digital access to more movies from the other major studios and other major online retailers. The catalog of Warner Bros., Universal Pictures, Sony Pictures, and Twenthieth Century Fox are accessible online if you bought them already; and any movies you bought on iTunes, Amazon, Google Play, and Vudu will also be in the new Movies Anywhere digital locker.

Using the same “Keychest” technology developed in-house by Disney, it appears that their competitors are realizing the benefits of making consumers more happy with access to their content. While details on deal were not released like if Disney gets paid from these other services and studios for hosting these movies on their technology architecture, the accepting of terms from them are already telling. But they aren’t stopping there.

Discussions are happening right now to include Paramount Pictures and Lionsgate films as part of the new initiative. Disney is also looking to strengthen the load of their service with their new streaming and online database service BAMTech so it can host even more films beyond the over 7,300 titles already part of the service.

For more information on Movies Anywhere and how to sign up, visit their website by clicking HERE.


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