“What Are You Going To Do Next?”

You know that question. It usually precedes a statement of accomplishment.

“You just won the Super Bowl…”

“You’ve just won American Idol…”

“You got an A on your last test…”

Surely all these accomplishments are worthy of celebration and for most people, the answer to the question “What are you going to do next?” usually comes in the form of not a person, not a thing, but a place.

A happy place. Where it’s your land. And for the past 58 years, it continues to be many people’s source of joy and inspiration around the world.

So we pose the question to Disneyland this day:

“You’ve just turned 58, Disneyland. What are you going to do next?”

Happy 58th brithday, Disneyland! Keep making us smile. I think that’s what we’ll do next.

There are a few magical things happening for Disneyland’s birthday today and we hope to be sharing those celebrations through our social media networks, so be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, and even Google+ so you can join in this happy day!


or to participate.