It’s A Cars Land Morning.

If you’ve ever been to any Disney Park in the morning, you’ll not only find that that’s the best time to experience the lesser of the crowds and shorter lines, but a serenity and peace that you’ll either find that early in the morning or late at night.

The atmosphere and surroundings of each Disney Park perfectly fits the environment it is in. That’s particularly the case for the newest Land that seemed to have grown from those surroundings at the Disneyland Resort.

We’re talking about Cars Land and the very natural look it has magically matches the natural beauty of Southern California weather. Take a look at the video above to see (and hear) the natural (and unnatural) sounds at sights that happen on most mornings in Radiator Springs and Carburetor County.

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Do you like going to Disney Parks in the mornings or evenings? Have you ever stopped and just taken in the surroundings during either time? Is that part of the Disney magic for you too? Comment with your answers!


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