James Bond made a cameo in “The Force Awakens”

“The Force Awakens” has been out in theaters for a little less than 24 hours and people are starting to pick at it. And they’re picking at it not in a critical way, but in a fun way like finding hidden things in the film.

One of those hidden things that was recently discovered happened after the credits began to roll. If you look closely at the names, you might find a few familiar ones that you wouldn’t have known help make the film. Like James Bond.

Well, it wasn’t that moniker that was listed, but Daniel Craig – the person who currently plays him. The British actor was a Stormtrooper in full costume for one full scene where the Stromtrooper is guarding over Daisy Ridley’s character while restrained.

This confirmation comes after multiple past reports and interviews where he had denied any involvement in the film.

Craig joins a long list of other top talents in Hollywood who decided to get into the Star Wars movie-making action. Composer Michael Giacchino also played a Stormtrooper, Broadway’s Lin Manuel-Miranda wrote music, and NBC’s Bill Hader helped give BB-8 a voice.

Have you found any more talents in the credits? Tweet us @DisneyExaminer and we’ll share because we and the world would like to know what other “stars” are in Star Wars!

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