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  • John Mayer’s latest song should be in a Toy Story movie

John Mayer’s latest song should be in a Toy Story movie

John Mayer, the acclaimed singer-songwriter-guitarist extraordinaire recently dropped part of his 10th album called “The Search For Everything.” While the first four songs that were released brought back a familiar sound to those who know Mayer’s R&B/Blues background, he also took up a new instrument to change things up – piano.

The song is called “You’re Gonna Live Forever In Me” and in it, Mayer sits down to tickle the ivories in such a way that fans started calling out an association while listening that might be familiar to you Disney fans.

If you thought the song sounded like “When She Loved Me” from Pixar’s “Toy Story”, your thinking was spot on like the rest of those Disney/Mayer fans. But calling out the association didn’t just stop there. One fan decided to integrate the song against scenes from “Toy Story 3” and the result was nothing short of magical.

Just take a look at the video above, listen, and feel the feels. Beyond the tune sounding like a Randy Newman piano ballad, the lyrics seem to be quite tied to the movies. The video’s creator proved that all the more by even making it a point to tie some of the lyrics to Mayer’s song that eerily seem to fit perfectly, like ‘a great big bang and dinosaurs’ blended with a scene of Rex in Andy’s room.

The song seems to fit almost too well that I have to wonder if Mayer was actually watching a Toy Story film when writing it. But at this point, we’re not even worried about that. We’re wondering more on when Pixar will call him to help with music on “Toy Story 4”!


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