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Keep your eye on the spy [‘Agent Carter’ series premiere review]

Right on the “heels” of another new mini-series on ABC is another one that aired just last night. Marvel’s “Agent Carter” is the second TV series created by Marvel allowing their presence to be felt while their first series “Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.” is in its mid-season break.

But like their first series, Marvel goes back to their roots by delving into the rich storylines that weren’t told in their bigger Cinematic Universe. The roots in this case would be the story of spy Agent Margaret “Peggy” Carter whom you met in the first Captain America film and the Marvel extended scenes that appears on their Blu-rays and DVDs.

In both those appearances, we only knew of Agent Carter as the love interest of Cap, but Marvel knew that her story was as interesting as Cap was to her. This entire series is her story and hers alone and that’s what I appreciated.

Speaking to “her” and although she isn’t an Avenger herself, you’d remember the character of Agent Carter is equally tough and puts her money where her mouth is. She stands for what’s right and isn’t afraid to take risks that might get her in trouble – all super hero attributes you’d find in her movie star colleagues. Actress Hayley Atwell, who reprises her role for the TV series, brings all that and a whole lot of British sass that make her a very entertaining character who is still very human, yet heroic.

A clip from the series premiere.

Speaking to the story, you’d be happy to know that you don’t need a Marvel Ph.D in comic book lore to understand what this series is all about. The first two episodes that aired did flashback to moments from the film establishing Cap and her relationship, but nothing too specific that would get you overwhelmed and therefore not entertained. On the other hand, if you do know the Cinematic Universe and comics, you should get a kick out of see many storylines connect like meeting the human Jarvis and the person who died that got Ivan Vanko to hate on Iron Man.

But we can’t forget where all of Agent Carter’s story takes place either! It takes place in the 1940s and writers did a wonderful job of making sure that it was true to its time setting, which also play a crucial role for the story of this period piece of a TV series. Along with the very dapper attire, the touchy theme of sexism appears just like how it was during that time in history. Still, writers weaved that negative into something positive and that’s the respect that we have for Agent Carter herself for defying what it meant to be a woman back in the day.

Don’t get me wrong though! This series is not about sexism nor is it about the extension of the Marvel story either. It’s just great entertainment for both guy and girl. It has action that’s accented with wit and peril that’s softened (sometimes) with laughter. Although this is just an 8-part series, I hope that its audience does grow and ABC orders more episodes because it has everything a TV series should have.

And if good TV comes via a butt-kicking, lipsticked, sophisticated, properly dress woman, than let it be! I could see why Cap liked her in the first place. Too bad he can’t watch the series himself…

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Will you be keeping your eye on Agent Carter? Do you like her series or “Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.” better? Why? What other Marvel characters should get their own TV show? Share your thoughts in the comments below!


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