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  • Live action “Mulan” gets a release date and an open casting call

Live action “Mulan” gets a release date and an open casting call

With Beauty and the Beast‘s live action film looming nearer and the recent announcement about the new Lion King film, it’s only natural that Disney would follow up by finally confirming Mulan‘s live action film release – November 2, 2018, according to Variety.com.

The live action Mulan film has already been the subject of much debate due to fears that Disney will whitewash many of its characters. Hollywood has a history of this: slashfilm.com, for exmaple, accuses filmmakers for deliberately casting Caucasian actors for Asian roles, and cites Doctor Strange and Ghost in the Shell as examples. Fans have even created a petition against a “whitewashed Mulan” that has gained over 100,000 signatures.

It seems, however, that these fears are misguided: the Variety.com article states that Disney will be using a global casting call to find a Chinese actress to play Mulan. There has been no word yet on who might play the other characters, but it is comforting to know that Disney is responding to the importance of considering race in the casting process.

We’ve created our own fan-cast of the live action film before, but the next Mulan could really be anyone at this point – perhaps even you! Be sure to check back between now and November 2, 2018; we’re sure to hear more about this latest Disney project.


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