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  • Meet the first couple to set the 100 Disney Cruise record

Meet the first couple to set the 100 Disney Cruise record

Our love for Disney started on our honeymoon 44 years ago. We went to Walt Disney World, the first year they opened, and stayed at the Contemporary Resort on the 10th floor with an amazing view of the Cinderella Castle.  Our room rate was $39.00 per night! (years later on our 25th wedding anniversary, we stayed in the exact same room for only one night and the rate was $300!) Our love for the parks began that year and throughout the years we visited as often as we could afford it.

One year we heard that Disney was creating a cruise line. Ted tried to convince Karen to try just one cruise knowing Karen was not interested in any transportation on water. Karen agreed to sail just once as she believed that Disney represented first-rate, high quality and any product they produced would be just that and she felt, of all cruise lines, they would ensure the safety of all their guests at sea.

Since there was an overwhelming request to sail on Disney’s first cruise, we had to enter a “lottery” in hopes of being picked to sail on this first cruise. In our mail one day, we received a letter from Disney which stated that Mickey and Minnie went on a Treasure Hunt at the beach and drew our names from the sand and we were picked to sail on Disney’s Maiden Voyage on the the ship called the Magic in summer of 1998. We were thrilled! Since we had never been on any cruise before, this cruising experience was all new to us but turned out to be one of the best vacation decisions we have ever made and opened up many new life experiences to come…99 more cruises.  Needless to say, Karen overcame her fear of water and we booked a 2nd cruise.

Since that first cruise we have sailed solely with Disney Cruise Line and have never had a desire to cruise with any other cruise line. During our DCL journey, we sailed on all their Maiden Voyages (4 ships) and most of their inaugural cruises with amazing new itineraries to so many awesome places. We sailed on their Transatlantic cruises taking the ship from Florida to Europe in the spring and flying to Europe to bring her back to Florida. We have enjoyed cruises such as Alaska, Panama Canal, Baltic, Caribbean, Mediterranean, Hawaii, Bahamas, etc. Our 100 Disney cruises have given us so many awesome experiences and amazing memories that we will treasure forever.

Our Disney Cruise Line journey: 100 cruises, 526 days, 132,656 nautical miles and over 6 times around the world with Disney Cruise Line. We are truly blessed!

Thanks for listening! Karen and Ted

Karen and Ted’s 100 cruise record makes them experts on Disney cruises. Check back later this week to hear more them when we feature their best cruise advice and later next week to hear about the way Disney Cruises cater to their more adult riders.

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