A Disney Mom: Dress and Dream Maker

With dream making at its core, Disney strives to give children (as well as adults – we’re all kids at heart here!) an unforgettable experience. For many, it is their dreams and hearts’ desires to see their most beloved characters come to life. As a matter of fact, it is not uncommon to see little girls and boys running around in their favorite costumes as they venture throughout the day to seek their favorite characters. It’s all part of the Disney magic!

San Diego’s Angela Bonser has taken the Disney Magic to a whole new level by hand-making all of her youngest daughter Haylie’s costumes. Angela Bonser tells our friends at Yahoo that “It’s every little girl’s dream to dress up and play princess for [the] day, and the fact that I’ve ‘literally’ had a hand in making it happen for my daughter is everything to me.”

Angela has not only made her little girl’s dream come true, but has sparked joy and precious reactions from other people and Disney cast members as well. Many people were dying to know where Haylie got her very legitimate costumes and were shocked to find out that Angela had made them. The cast members loved seeing Haylie in her costumes and would play along acting as if she was a really princess. In return, Haylie too loved playing along with the characters. Angela described it as an incredible moment.

“I’m just shocked at the joy that my photos and my costumes have brought to other people,” Angela said. “I really thought it was going to just be something personal for me and my family, but it seems like they truly have spread joy to so many people.”

Angela has done Alice, Rapunzel, Cinderella, Aurora, Jedi, Mary Poppins just to name a few. To view more photos and a cute video of her and her handmade costumes visit our friends at Yahoo and click HERE.

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Did you ever dress up as your favorite character for Disneyland? Which one was YOUR favorite? Have you been inspired to spread the Disney Magic? Share your thoughts below!


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