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  • The Music and Lyrics of “Muppets Most Wanted” [Interview with Bret McKenzie]

The Music and Lyrics of “Muppets Most Wanted” [Interview with Bret McKenzie]

Oscar-award winning and accomplished musician Bret McKenzie had a difficult task on his hands when he was approached about doing a sequel for “The Muppets”. “I keep my Oscar on top of my piano and when I was writing [the songs to what was originally “The Muppets…Again”], I was like ‘O dear’, he commented about the task ahead.

At the end of all the writing though, the music and lyrics just fit together once again for “Muppets Most Wanted” as he served as songwriter for the sequel. The movie itself has another memorable and funny soundtrack with both the Muppets and their celebrity counterparts singing the tunes of McKenzie who took his approach of making the music a fluid part of the movie to heart when writing again in partnership with director James Bobin.

When asked about what song from this newest film he thought should be recognized should he get another Oscars nod next year, he told us the key to his and any film songwriter’s secret to success: the harmony between what’s going on on the screen and on the sheet music. Take a look at our full video interview above with McKenzie to find out the true music and lyrics behind what it takes to create “Muppet music” that we’ve come to love just as much as the characters.

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Do you like McKenzie’s Muppet tunes from the previous film? Does it remind you of the famous Muppets tunes of old? What are you looking to hear from this new movie’s music? Be sure to check out samples of the soundtrack now available for pre-order right now on iTunes!


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