Old Time Radio

What sets apart Disney from any other entertainment industry is their attention to detail. What do I mean? Take for instance the new entryway into Disney California Adventure Park.

Buena Vista Street is a great place to see how much detail the Walt Disney Imagineers put into something so small as an entryway into a theme park. The detail goes even so far as to create a full-length radio program that plays at Oswald’s Gas Station right as you enter the street! Take a look at the video above. As you’ll see, the process of creating a creative program was done the exact way it was done all those years ago!

Notice that the detail only emerges as a method of good storytelling. Disney knows how to tell great stories and whether its through its attractions, movies, or even something as small as atmosphere elements in an entryway, Disney and its creative Imagineers spare nothing to ensure that the story their trying to tell is told in its full magical way…without cutting corners.


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