Presidential Magic.

Not many people realize this, but the US Presidency and The Walt Disney Company have some lies. The more visible of these relationships had to be an occassion on July 17, 1955 in Anaheim, California.

Yes, folks today is the 57th birthday of Disneyland and one soon-to-be President made his way to Anaheim that hot summer day to report on all the new and exciting things that were being unveiled. His name was Ronald Reagan and he knew Walt Disney well.

57 years later, although President Reagan is gone, his love for Disney never faded and right now, you can visit his Presidential Library and Museum in Simi Valley, California to see a rather large collection of Disney artifacts and special items that are on display.

D23 Presents: The Treasures of the Walt Disney Archives is a new exhibit at the Reagan Library featuring a lot of historical Disney items that stretch the length of the whole company. In addition you’ll find a specific section dedicated to a collection of items showing Walt and Reagan’s friendship back in the day.

Take a look at the video above showing the grand opening of the exhibit which took place on July 5, 2012 with Mrs. Ronald Reagan on hand to celebrate as well! It was her birthday the following day!

We hope to be visiting this 12,000 foot exhibit soon. You should too! The exhibit will be there until April 2013, but its better to be safe than sorry! Tickets can be purchased online by clicking HERE (you’ll be redirected to the Reagan Library website).


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