Row, Row.

It summertime and we’re sure that a lot of you have made your way to Disneyland at least once this summer…on a really hot day.

That being the case, you have your choice of water rides that will cool you down, but there’s one little known attraction that we’re sure you’ve seen, but have not “rowed” your way on yet.

The Davy Crockett Canoes is a water ride of sorts, but instead of machinery moving you through distant lands, you move yourself! Yes, you really get to be in a real canoe and really row your way through the Rivers of America. You might want to consider doing this if you’ve stuffed yourself with turkey leg while at the Resort…and you’ll get cool in return!

Take a look at the video above to meet one of the River Guides that’ll take you ‘round the River and what you can expect while on the canoes!

Remember that the Davy Crockett Canoes operate seasonally and can be located to the right side as you before you enter into Critter Country at Disneyland Park.


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