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  • The cast and filmmakers think that “A Wrinkle In Time” is giving the world a worldview

The cast and filmmakers think that “A Wrinkle In Time” is giving the world a worldview

Disney’s upcoming adaptation of the classic book “A Wrinkle In Time” is unique among the other adaptations they have done in the past. That’s because the book itself is rooted in morality. Much of the text is actually taken from Bible verses and sayings of Jesus.

While it’s arguably clear that the writer of the book, Madeleine L’Engle (an Episcopal herself), was looking to at least present a Christian worldview in her writing to young readers, the writer, cast, and other filmmakers also believe that their film is an attempt to do the same – just without attributing it to a specific religion.

In their thoughts about the film that they shared during the global press conference in Hollywood, California, many of them agreed that the film in an attempt at reminding people, young and old, of goodness in life.

“When you’re young, you have an easier time forgiving the world,” director Ava DuVernay said to the media audience. “If our film can at least inspire the young ones to make it better, their lives are our hope.”

Screenwriter Jennifer Lee (Disney’s “Frozen”) thinks the good morals that the book shares are part of what makes the story so timeless. She said, “All the themes of goodness and love are still relevant today, more than ever before. Because of what’s going on in the world today, they resonate.”

Other cast members chimed in as well in how they view the film and it giving a message of how to live. Chris Pine (Dr. Alex Murry) says that he’s interested in the benefits of having interconnectivity between everyone and everything. Rowan Blanchard (Veronica) says she’s excited to give a new image to what a teen girl goes through today. Zach Galifianakis (Happy Medium) teared up and shared that he was emotionally touched to see that boys can be strong and have a sensitive side. Reese Witherspoon (Mrs. Whatsit) shared that she wanted to be a part of a story that reflected what great personal qualities girls today should have.

It was Oprah Winfrey (Mrs. Which), however, who summed up what everyone, including L’Engle, was hoping the film would share – light.

“Think about it. It would take a lot of darkness to blot out every single light in this room,” she said at the conclusion of the press conference. “We need to be warriors powered with goodness. With light. There’s a lot of us to win.”

Disney’s “A Wrinkle In Time” hits theaters on March 9, 2018. Look for our spoiler-free review soon.


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