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  • The Star Wars movie that the directors of The LEGO Movie are directing will show the beginnings of Han Solo and Chewbacca’s friendship

The Star Wars movie that the directors of The LEGO Movie are directing will show the beginnings of Han Solo and Chewbacca’s friendship

Star Wars fever is still hot even months after the release of The Force Awakens and it’s not slowing down anytime soon. With four new Star Wars-branded movies coming from Lucasfilm until 2019, there’s a lot of excitement that has yet to be released even without any information about what these next films will be about.

For instance, little is known about the Star Wars film releasing in 2018. It doesn’t have a title yet, nor do we know the cast or plot. We do know, however, that the directors of “The LEGO Movie” will be directing it and it will be about Han Solo.

And that was all the information we knew until earlier this week when Disney CEO Bob Iger at an investment banking event earlier this week revealed that the film’s story will tell the story of how Han and Chewbacca came to be friends.

It’s something that the original saga, nor The Force Awakens ever dived into. There are many fan theories, but to have something a part of the Star Wars film canon will do a lot to settle the conversations.

Given that information, it makes sense that Phil Lord and Chris Miller from The LEGO Movie are directing it, too. The LEGO Movie was entertaining because it combined something familiar, albeit LEGOs, and turned them into something more meaningful. Han and Chewy are familiar to us, but to make their story more meaningful to us is an art form that Lord and Miller seem to understand.

“This is the first film we’ve worked on that seems like a good idea to begin with,” said Lord and Miller in a join statement back in July 2015 when they were announced as directors. “We promise to take risks, to give the audience a fresh experience, and we pledge ourselves to be faithful stewards of these characters who mean so much to us.”

The film is still in pre-production with casting expected to be announced later this year.

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