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  • Want to put your content on Disney+? Make sure you are a ‘person‘ first

Want to put your content on Disney+? Make sure you are a ‘person‘ first

With the launch of any platform, there comes with it a range of possibilities. For content creators specifically, it means everything from getting their project funded to getting an instant global audience for that project.

At a recent event with the International Documentary Association, Disney+’s content leaders affirmed those benefits for those looking to create and the few they’ll select to be a part of their platform over the coming years.

“We find people who tell stories of issues instead of the issues informing the people,” said Dan Silver, Disney+ VP of unscripted/non-fiction content at the event. He was joined by Agnes Chu, SVP of content, and the President of content and marketing Ricky Strauss to remind the audience of documentarians and other storytellers of their deep investment into people.

The team went on to share that people have always been at the center of their content strategy. Even with the integration of Disney’s own brands like Star Wars and Pixar, the content that those studios produce are “rooted” in letting the storytellers tell their own stories.

“It’s arguably the main reason that we stand out as a studio in that we’re pretty hands-off when it comes down to creating,” said Chu.

L-R: Ricky Strauss, Dan Silver, Agnes Chu

Silver went on to say that the relationship between their content creators is strong, respectful, and trusting, but never too trusting as they do offer their feedback to creators “especially if it’s going downhill which happens often in the creative process, you know.”

However, those challenges are being met as more independent films and TV shows are being bought by the service. As for how that content ends up on Disney+, it’s really up to those creators to showcase how their stories matter to them.

“We’re hearing pitches and ideas from everywhere,” said Chu. “Our storyteller-centered strategy means that it doesn’t have to be ‘Disney,’ but embody what we’re all about – story.”


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