“Welcome To The Magic.”

That statement is what greets you prior to you pressing play in the video above. With a statement like that, you certainly are expecting something “magical” and we’re pretty sure what you’ll see after just watching a few seconds of that video that it certainly is.

A time lapse photographer named Matt, a local man who lives around Disneyland, decided one day that he’d produce a piece that would go back to his roots. “Disneyland is special for everybody,” Matt said in an interview with us “There’s so much more going on at Disneyland than the attractions and shows.” And he’s absolutely right.

As you watch Matt’s video, you’ll notice things – beautiful things – that you haven’t seen before. And whether you’re a Disneyland regular or a person that has never step foot in Walt’s original Magic Kingdom, Matt wanted to make sure you saw a glimpse of those beautiful, magical things in this “video tour.” Things like colors, people, moods. These are the many things that really welcome everyone to the magic…without even knowing it and that’s why we love this video so much.

After 2 days of shooting with a DSLR camera, a simple tripod, help from a friend, and playing on a vision he had of creating the video from 3 years ago, Matt was able to tell the story of Disneyland by combining 20,000 images seamlessly into what you see above. Again, you’ll see things that you’ve never seen before or take awe in things you’ve seen for the first time. With the video having gone viral and posted to many major news outlets, it’s only clear why once you’ve seen the video all the way through.

So whether you’re stuck up in your office or in the car driving to Disneyland itself, let Matt’s video welcome you to the magic that is the one. The only. Disneyland.

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Our special thanks to Matt Givot for speaking to us about his work of magic/art. Be sure to follow him on Instagram on what other beautiful videos he’s working on next…perhaps another Disney-inspired one working with us?


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