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What Carrie Fisher’s death means for the next Star Wars films

Earlier this morning, Carrie Fisher, most known for her role playing Princess (and now General) Leia Organa in the Star Wars films, passed away due to complications from a heart attack she had last Friday afternoon. Since then, people from all over the globe have shared their tributes and sentiments about the actress.

Mark Hamill tweeted:

no words #Devastated pic.twitter.com/R9Xo7IBKmh

— Mark Hamill (@HamillHimself) December 27, 2016

Disney’s CEO Bob Iger issued this statement:

“Carrie Fisher was one-of-a-kind, a true character who shared her talent and her truth with us all with her trademark wit and irreverence. Millions fell in love with her as the indomitable Princess Leia; she will always have a special place in the hearts of Star Wars fans as well as all of us who were lucky enough to know her personally. She will be sorely missed, and we join millions of fans and friends around the world who mourn her loss today,” said Bob Iger, chairman and chief executive officer, The Walt Disney Company.”

But the hurt doesn’t compare to those who are at Lucasfilm, however. Kathleen Kennedy, president of Lucasfilm, said in a statement that “Carrie holds such special place in the hearts of everyone at Lucasfilm it is difficult to think of a world without her. She was Princess Leia to the world but a very special friend to all of us.”

Trying to define what the Star Wars world will be without her is indeed going to be a tough thing to do. Things aren’t clear on what happens to General Organa after “The Force Awakens”, but she probably had a bigger role in Episode 8 due out in December 2017. If so, there’s no word yet on if Fisher finished filming her parts even though the film is currently in post-production.

Nevertheless, the cinematic Star Wars story will never be the same for the films to follow afterward, just like how her fans and the Star Wars community will be.


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