What It Takes To Be A Dapper Dan

Strolling Main Street U.S.A., you’ll most likely notice four clean, handsome gentlemen singing about. Dressed in what we would consider to be formal attire nowadays, these same four men aren’t just singing in harmony with one another, but dress in harmony as well.

We’re talking about the world-famous Dapper Dans, the quartet of very dapper (i.e. fancy or proper) looking cast members who bring times past back to life with their barbershop songs and playful banter. Regardless of what you think of the music genre, people still stop and lend their ear and eyes to this performing group that started performing at Disneyland since 1959.

Since those first performances, the Dapper Dans can now also be found at Magic Kingdom park at Walt Disney World and Hong Kong Disneyland. They are evidence that they contribute a big part to the Disney magic, so we asked “How do you become part of this dapper boy band of yesteryear?”

Take a look at the video above to learn from Jim, a Dapper Dan of Disneyland himself, on what it means to be a Dan and to see if you have what it takes to be one yourself. Hint: it takes a lot more than singing well!

If you think you’re a future Dan, auditioning is the next step. Click HERE for current auditions that may be happening soon.

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Would you want to be a Dapper Dan? What part of being one shown in the video sold you on the idea? Comment below!


or to participate.