What’s in His and Her Disney Bag?

Planning a day at Disney Parks can be an adventure in itself: which rides to go on, which restaurants to dine at, which FastPass to get, just to name a few. It is a good idea to have a strategy when planning your trip to the parks, and it’s probably an even better idea to have one for your purse, backpack or whatever it may be too!

Here’s a peek at what my buddy, Mike and I like to bring on our visits.

What’s in his turtle shell?

by Mike Ayala

When I go to resort for the whole day I always make sure to bring my TMNT backpack loaded with essential items I need to get me through the day. I love bringing my iconic turtle shell backpack because it looks cool and it’s very handy. Let’s take a closer look and see what’s inside!

His bag
  1. Sweater/hoodie: I always make sure to bring a hoodie with me in case it gets cold or if I want to use it as a small pillow when lying down.

  2. Extra shirt: Always bring an extra shirt for when I go on water attractions. That way I have nothing to worry about and can just enjoy the ride.

  3. Hand towel: Bring a hand towel during the summer season only because it gets hot and I hate sweating through clothes.

  4. Deodorant: I don’t like to smell and I’ll never have to experience that at Disneyland thanks to my deodorant.

  5. Reusable water bottle: You’ll get thirsty, so it’ll be handy when I’m waiting in line and there are no water fountains near me.

  6. Nintendo 3DS XL: I have to get my street passes!

  7. Wallet: Secures all my monetary funds in one place.

  8. Keys: Self-explanatory

  9. Cell Phone: I need to checkout which celebrities are at the Park!

When I’m at the park for only a few hours everything changes and I only carry my keys, phone, and wallet.

His 2a

 What’s in her purse?

by Veronica Thach

When I’m spending a full day at the parks, I personally like to bring my large faux leather purse to fit all of my essentials and other gadgets and gizmos a plenty. It fits everything I need (and don’t need), and although it may be an inconvenience carrying a large bag, I don’t mind it if it’s going to keep me prepared for what’s to come later in the day.

Let’s see what’s inside!

  1. Sunglasses: To keep those UV rays out, of course!

  2. Light Sweater: For those warm days and cool nights. It especially comes in handy when going on late night water attractions.

  3. Minnie Ears: Why not? They’re the perfect accessory! Maybe not on some rides though; they get stashed in my bag if it involves wind blowing in my hair while flying through space or other high-intensity attractions.

  4. Mint/Gum: Who doesn’t want minty freshness breath after eating a turkey leg?

  5. Snacks: Waiting in long lines on an empty stomach is no fun. I typically go for healthier options like apples, oranges, and belVita breakfast biscuits that give me enough satisfaction and energy before my next meal.

  6. Reusable Water Bottle: As mentioned above, I don’t always bring one with me knowing that I can get a free water cup, but sometimes it’s nice having one to stay hydrated on hand anywhere, anytime.

  7. Pen/Notepad: I always need to have writing tools on hand, especially when I love making lists of everything.  Not only that, but you’ll never know if a bright idea comes into mind!

  8. Beauty/Personal Hygiene: A compact mirror, lip balm, lipstick, roller ball perfume, hand sanitizer, hand lotion, pad (you never know, ladies!) are some things that I need to stay fresh and clean throughout the day.

  9. Wallet & Cardholder: The cardholder is useful to store my annual pass and FastPasses without having to worry about accidentally dropping money, so I like to keep those separated.

  10. Car Keys: I’ve gotta get there and back home somehow, right?

  11. Cell Phone: You know, just in case I get lost!

  12. Not pictured: Camera, memory card, battery, hair tie (I usually keep one on my wrist), bandages (inside wallet).

On my shorter Disney days, I typically carry a smaller bag and have narrowed it down to the main essentials shown below that will be sufficient enough for the few hours that I am there.


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Clearly, there’s quite a contrast in the items that Mike and I like to carry for a well-prepared day at the parks. Share with us your Disney essentials on Instagram by tagging us @DisneyExaminer and using the hashtag #myDEbag on Instagram or Twitter.

We’re looking forward to seeing what your Disney Park survival bag consists of!


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