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  • Why even the people who want to use selfie sticks at Disney Parks will benefit from the ban

Why even the people who want to use selfie sticks at Disney Parks will benefit from the ban

Earlier today, Disney Parks issued a wide-sweeping regulation that banned a helpful, but somewhat hated item.

As of next Tuesday, June 30, selfie sticks will no longer be welcomed at Disneyland or Disney California Adventure Parks in California and at the Walt Disney World theme parks in Florida. On the following day, Wednesday, July 1, all the rest of Disney’s theme parks outside the U.S. will also ban the use of selfie sticks.

At that time, Cast members will then be ordered to ask guests who violate the ban to put the selfie sticks back in their cars or hotel room and/or leave it with a cast member to be picked up when they exit the park for the day.

This new rule extends the existing rule that allowed the use of selfie sticks into Disney’s theme parks, but not while on attractions. It all comes on the heels of a recent incident at Disney California Adventure Park where the California Screamin’ roller coaster was stopped due to a guests’ use of a selfie stick while on the attraction.

Obviously, the banning of the item was instituted to ensure guest safety. “We strive to provide a great experience for the entire family and, unfortunately, selfie sticks have become a growing safety concern for both our guests and cast (employees),” Disneyland Resort spokeswoman Suzi Brown said about today’s rule announcement.

For Disney’s safety and security department, it does help ensure that guest safety isn’t jeopardized. What’s more is that all guests will be able to benefit from the ban, too!

I was at the resort yesterday with my family and while we were watching World of Color: Celebrate, our experience was ruined by multiple guests who were using the elongated sticks to record the entire show. I’ve seen the show more than a few times myself, but I was more disappointed that my parents who’ve never seen it before would have their experience be a wonderful world of cell phone color.

These people who use them are far too often concerned with taking video or pictures that they can’t take a moment to enjoy Disneyland and DCA for themselves. Instead, they resort to using these objects that aren’t just used for personal memories, but for “selfie” recognition because that’s all we use social media for nowadays.

Both selfie stick lovers and haters should be glad that the ban now exists. Everyone will no longer have to fear having their magical moment ruined by the social media-borne item.

Places like Disneyland root themselves in creating memories for those who visit. I’d hate for those memories to be nightmare-inducing with an injury while riding a favorite attraction or watching a new nighttime spectacular through the glow of a cell phone screen.

That’s just a note to self.


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