The Wonderful World of [Slow-Mo] Color

When I saw World of Color for the first time when it debuted in 2010, it gave me goosebumps and although it has been shooting water for a little over 3 years now, it still brings tears to my “watery” tears to my eyes even to this day!

There’s just something about the music, the lights, and the way that everything is put together that makes this water show pure Disney magic. Although you’ve already heard a lot of stories from behind the “water screens,” shouldn’t it just be time for you to just enjoy the show? Yes, yes it is time. Here’s a special video that shows all the “actors” in moving in slow motion. You’ve never seen water look so beautiful.

Whether or not the show is in slow motion or is done in a blink of an eye, World of Color is always sure to please the crowd!

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It might be a crazy question, but have YOU seen World of Color? If you have, what do you like so much about the show? If you haven’t what is something that you’ve always looked forward to about the show? Don’t say water.


or to participate.