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  • Would you watch an animated TV series featuring Indiana Jones?

Would you watch an animated TV series featuring Indiana Jones?

The Indiana Jones franchise has been strong ever since the first film debuted in 1981. Decades later, the popularity of Indiana Jones has grown to the point that Disney has announced that it’ll be revisiting Dr. Jones who’ll take us on a new adventure in a movie coming in 2019.

That didn’t stop long time Indy fan Patrick Schoenmaker from finding new adventures for Indy to go on. Schoenmaker, a character designer and animator in the Netherlands, created “test footage” of what could be an animated TV series surrounding the heroic archeologist.

The nicely done animation footage features a lot of memorable moments from the existing Indy films like meeting Marion Ravenwood and fighting Nazis.

To be clear, Schoenmaker’s reel isn’t a tease of a real series, but it really begs the question of whether or not he should get hired by Lucasfilm and Disney to create the real series. The real question, however, is would you watch?


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