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  • You’ll now be able to run a runDisney race without going to a Disney Park

You’ll now be able to run a runDisney race without going to a Disney Park

runDisney races are called so because they take place within Disney Parks. However, apparently Disney understands that not every runner can pay to travel to one of their parks and pay their high registration fees to run. Now with their new race program, you won’t have to do the latter.

runDisney has debuted Virtual Running Shorts and contrary to what the name sounds like, you won’t be running with a virtual reality headset on. These races are pretty much pushing you to run wherever and whenever.

There are three races to choose from, each one happening at different time frames throughout the summer where you run a 3.1 mile course however you’d like: through your neighborhood, on a treadmill at a gym, with a virtual reality headset on, or even running around your local Disney Park! You can even choose to run all three races for a total of 9.3 miles.

Nearly everything that a runDisney race aside from the location and thousands of runners will be replicated for you. You’ll even get a commemorative race bib and special finisher medal even if you don’t finish as Disney won’t take back that medal or bib if you don’t finish.

Sure, you can look at like you’re paying a $39+ registration fee for a PDF graphic and a medal, but hopefully that isn’t what you do! If that’s what you want to do, just buy a runDisney medal off eBay and call it a day.

Instead, I’d encourage you to pay the fee, know that you paid the fee, and earn it back by really running those miles and wearing that authentic runDisney medal proudly! You’ll truly be a part of the exclusive runDisney runners club and that’s something money (but only miles) can buy.

For more information as well as to register for the runDisney Virtual Running Shorts, visit the official website by clicking HERE.

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